Thursday, 19 Sep
Guided Tour

2 pm

Anna Seghers Museum
Anna-Seghers-Str. 81
12489 Berlin

How Netty Reiling became Anna Seghers

Themed tour


In German

€ 5/2.50

Wednesday, 18 Sep
Guided Tour

2 pm

Brecht-Weigel Museum
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Famous women

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)


In German

€ 7/4

Komische Oper Berlin V 2022 © Candida Höfer / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
14 Sep – 24 Nov

Candida Höfer
Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2024

Tue – Fri 2 – 7 pm
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays 11 am – 7 pm

€ 10/7
Free admission under 18 years, Tuesdays and every first Sunday of the month


Award ceremony and exhibition opening
Fri 13 Sep 6 pm
With Karin Sander, Matthias Sauerbruch, Rolf Tegtmeier, Manos Tsangaris and Candida Höfer
Free admission / Ticket required
Reservations at or
030-200 57-1000

Guided tours
Tue 5 pm
Sun 2 pm
€ 5 plus exhibition ticket

Tickets for Guided tours

Curator's tours with Anke Hervol
Sun 15 Sep, 10 Nov, 24 Nov at 2 pm

Tour for blind and visually impaired visitors (together with ABSV)
Tue 5 Nov 5 pm
Free admission

Tours for deaf visitors with translation into German sign language
Tue 1 Oct 5 pm
Sun 10 Nov 2 pm
Free admission

Special tours for groups, guided tours and workshops for school classes
Information and registration:

Friday, 13 Sep
Award Ceremony and Exhibition Opening

6 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

Candida Höfer
Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2024

With Karin Sander, Matthias Sauerbruch, Rolf Tegtmeier, Manos Tsangaris and Candida Höfer

Free admission / Ticket required
Reservations at or
030-200 57-1000

The award ceremony in the Plenary Hall is fully booked.
The exhibition is open to all visitors.

14 Sep – 24 Nov
Pariser Platz

Friday, 13 Sep
Guided Tour

1 pm

Brecht-Weigel Museum
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Discovering Brecht between Chausseestraße and the Berliner Ensemble

Literary walk from Brecht-Haus (Brecht House) to Berliner Ensemble

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus


In German

€ 7/4

13 – 15 Sep

15. Berliner Hörspielfestival
(Berlin Audio Play Festival)

Competitions, debates, live acts

In German

per day € 12/8

Buy ticket online

Friday, 13 Sep
Press Preview

10 am

Candida Höfer. Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2024

Anh-Linh Ngo, Vice-President of the Akademie der Künste
Karin Sander, Director of the Visual Arts Section
Moderation: Anke Hervol, Secretary of the Visual Arts Section

The exhibition halls are open from 9.30 am.

Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
Please register at:

Wednesday, 11 Sep
Guided Tour

2 pm

Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Brecht and his people

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)


In German

€ 7/4

Tuesday, 10 Sep
Guided Tour

2 pm

Anna Seghers Museum
Anna-Seghers-Str. 81
12489 Berlin

Anna Seghers in the circle of her friends

Themed tour


In German

€ 5/2.50

Saturday, 7 Sep
Architecture Tours

2 pm

The day of open monuments

Guided tours in German
at 2, 4, 6 pm

Guided tour in English
at 5 pm

Free admission

All tours are fully booked.

Anja Steckel in Zurich’s zoo, 1943 © Akademie der Künste, Leonard-Steckel-Archiv
6 Sep – 1 Nov

Werkstatt Exilmuseum
Fasanenstraße 24
10719 Berlin

Children in exile

Wed – Fri 12 – 6 pm

Free admission

Guided tours
Thur 5 pm

Cooperation: Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin, KUNSTWELTEN, Archiv der Akademie der Künste

Fri 6 Sep 7 pm
With Gesine Bey, Werner Heegewaldt, Heike Catherina Mertens, Anh-Linh Ngo

Guided tours, offers for school classes and events:

Thursday, 5 Sep
Book Presentation

6 pm



Gifts for Wulf Herzogenrath

With Wulf Herzogenrath, Sarah Alberti, Uta Simmons, Werner Heegewaldt

In German

€ 6/4

Wednesday, 4 Sep
Guided Tour

2 pm

Brecht-Weigel Museum
Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin

Famous women

Cemetery tour

Meeting point: courtyard of the Brecht-Haus (Brecht House)


In German

€ 7/4

Wolf Biermann as Prussian Icarus, 1973, © Roger Melis
4 Sep – 27 Oct

Galerie Pankow
Breite Straße 8
13187 Berlin

Roger Melis
Artist Portraits

Tue – Fri 12 – 8 pm
Sat, Sun 2 – 8 pm

Free admission

Cooperation: Galerie Pankow, Leonhardi Museum Dresden

Guided tours
Wed 6 pm

Curator's tours
Sun 22 Sep 2 pm
Sun 20 Oct 2 pm


Thur 19 Sep 7 pm
Roger Melis provides information. A collage of recordings and interviews
Reading with Tom Schweers (photographer) and Mathias Bertram (curator)

Thur 10 Oct 7 pm
Roger Melis in letters and documents.
Reading and archive presentation with Werner Heegewaldt (Director of the Archive at the Akademie der Künste), Erdmut Wizisla (literary scholar) and Mathias Bertram

Tuesday, 3 Sep
Book Premiere

7 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

Katja Lange-Müller
Unser Ole

With Katja Lange-Müller

Welcome: Terézia Mora

Moderation: Denis Scheck

In German

€ 7,50/5

Sunday, 1 Sep
Guided Tour

11 am – 4 pm

Anna-Seghers-Str. 81
12489 Berlin

Museum Sunday at the Anna Seghers Museum

Guided tours at 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm

Admission from 15 min before start


In German

Free admission

Please find below the Akademie der Künste's digital offers.