Villa Serpentara Fellowship 2024

Patrizia Bach

*1983, Munich (DE)

Lives in Berlin (DE)

Section: Visual arts


Patrizia Bach is an artist who lives and works in Berlin and occasionally in Istanbul. Bach's works are related mostly to texts without illustrating them in the conventional sense. Her drawing galleries are based on many years of research and also include other media. Interdisciplinary collaborations are as much a part of her regular work as solitary, secluded drawing. She is convinced that history is inherent in all things in the present and can always be read in the struggle against the suppressed past. This has not only influenced her personal approach to history, but has also significantly shaped her work.


I would like to use my stay at Villa Serpentara to research a project for which I have been collecting material in the form of documentary video and photo recordings since 2014. Il Ballo della Pupa: The Dance of the Puppet (or also Pupazza – Pupa: Puppe/Pazza: The Crazy One) is a tradition of many Abruzzo villages. In it, different variations of the tarantella are performed by human-sized puppets. The origins of this tradition are unclear. I would like to explore them using whatever materials I can find, like family photographs, archival research in museums or churches and interviews on site, and retell them in drawings and animated films. The focus will be on the fusion of pagan and religious practices and imagery, and the central focus of both will be on the representation of women.