
Cities were and still are an engine of civilisation. Today, we need this drive more urgently than ever, as our society is facing major challenges that take place and have to be solved primarily in cities.

“urbainable – stadthaltig. Positions on the Euopean City for the 21st Century” wants to point out that the city itself offers the systems that hold the greatest potential for sustainable development.

Tour of the exhibition with the curators (in German)

How these possibilities could be used is shown by members of the Architecture Section together with their guests, presenting samples of their own work in Biennale-style. Their projects, visions and initiatives in the areas of architecture, engineering, landscape architecture and urban planning demonstrate a broad range of ideas for the city of the future, from design details to urban planning vision, from building technology to political discourse. The result is a kaleidoscope of concepts, a tour d'horizon into current European architecture and urban planning and that follows the pressing issues of our time such as digitalisation, mobility, the culture of density, or relation to nature, reuse and adaptation of existing structures as well as technical innovations.

An room installation of images by Berlin photographer Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk forms an urban panorama, which – supplemented by facts from research by the Institute of Urban Design and Planning at Leibniz University Hannover – introduces the subject and deals with the topics of traffic, sustainability, regional city, construction scheme, building density, identification, technical innovation and social life.


View of the exhibition “urbainable – stadthaltig”

View of the exhibition “urbainable – stadthaltig”

View of the exhibition “urbainable – stadthaltig”

View of the exhibition “urbainable – stadthaltig”

View of the exhibition “urbainable – stadthaltig”